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Reteta de cristalina cu Clear Whey | aroma de mar verde

Reteta de cristalina cu Clear Whey | aroma de mar verde

O zi călduroasă cere o cristalina Clear Whey. Suna bine?

Una dintre cele mai atragatoare idei sau motivatie pentru antrenament intr-o zi calduroasa este promisiunea unui shake Clear Whey rece după aceea. Iar noi putem face ceva mai bun - o cristalina cu Clear Whey. Și în aromă de măr verde - te vei simți revigorat. Iar papilele tale gustative vor cânta de fericire.

Reteta video este aici.


1 lingură Clear Whey cu aroma de mar (puteti opta dupa oricare alta aroma, dupa gust) 400 ml apă O mână de gheață


  • Adăugați toate ingredientele într-un blender și amestecați până la omogenizare.
  • Apoi serviți în paharul preferat cu un pai.

Informații nutriționale

Cantitate per porție Calorii 84 Carbohidrați totali 0.7g Proteine 20g

Emily Wilcock
Emily Wilcock Scriitor si expert
After completing an internship with Myprotein, Emily returned to university to finish her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Marketing. With experience in lifestyle writing, Emily aims to entertain and educate through her work. Her focuses include recipes, real and inspiring stories, and working with writers to help provide easy-to-digest evidence-based research. Her work on recipes has been previously featured in The Supplement magazine, with a particular focus on high-protein, nutritious meals, plus advice on how to properly fuel your body. Outside of work, Emily’s top priority is food. She’s a self-professed star baker and a connoisseur of all things baked. In her spare time, she’s either cooking up a storm, our looking out for the opportunity to try out Manchester’s newest restaurants. But as a huge fan of carbs, if it’s not pasta or pasta-adjacent, she’s not interested. If she’s not in the kitchen, she’s tucked up with a book for an early night, or you’ll find her in the gym working up a sweat. Afterall, all those carbs require quite the appetite.

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